Committed to Perform

circle Physical Safety
circle It is essential to keep the school environment including the school buildings, premises, playgrounds, laboratories, computer rooms, libraries, toilets, drinking water facilities, school buses, transport area and the surroundings safe and secure.
circle School administration, staff, teachers as well as students need to be better aware and prepared to respond to any catastrophe, natural or man-made.
circle The schools must leverage low cost and environment-friendly technologies without compromising on structural soundness and safety of the buildings.
circle Psychological Safety
circle Just as the physical safety of children in schools is important to ensure complete student safety, so too is their psychosocial safety.
circle Children who are victims of violence show continuous symptoms of depression, and feelings of helplessness even aggression. They should be dealt with sympathetically.
circle Installation of CCTV cameras at strategic locations across school premises at least at the entry and exit points may be considered.
circle The security cameras can be effective in school safety investigations, or even act as deterrents to such behaviour.
circle School Transportation and Road Safety
circle It is the responsibility of school authorities and the teachers to ensure the safety of school children and also to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to be a safe road user.
circle Teachers should help to develop a responsible attitude towards road use to school children.
circle Teachers should impart essential knowledge about roads and traffic to school children.
circle All school buses should have GPS systems to ensure safe transportation of children to and from schools.
circle Background Verification of Staff
circle When it comes to hiring teachers, administrators and other school staff, there are many good reasons to conduct.
circle Pre-employment background checking of school staff may be conducted by school management for student safety.