Committed to Perform


You may be the victim of online fraud if:

circle There has been unusual activity or regular small amounts of money have been withdrawn from your bank account.
circle You bought an item online and it does not arrive
circle You sold something online and you don't receive payment
circle The item you receive doesn't match the original description you were given

If you think you are a victim of fraud:

circle Check with the company you dealt with to see if you can resolve the problem
circle If you have a problem with an item bought or sold using an auction site, such as eBay, check to see if they can help
circle If you paid using a credit card and the goods did not arrive, you can ask the credit card company to investigate
circle If you used an online payment service, check if you are covered by a fraud protection scheme on the service website

Before you buy

Before you buy anything online, make a note of the address, telephone number and any other contact details of the company or seller that you're buying from. Don't rely only on an email address.
If you're unsure about a company or seller being trustworthy (i) stick with trusted companies and brands that have a strong reputation or (ii) search for reviews online

Always use secure sites

If a site is secure it will have 'https' in the web address. This shows that the company has been independently checked to make sure they are who they say they are. A yellow padlock symbol in the browser window shows the payment process is secure.
Never give your passwords, PIN numbers or bank account numbers to any one - legitimate companies and banks will never ask you for these details by email or over the phone

circle If out and about and buying online, use data provided by your network provider and not public Wi-Fi as some hotspots may not be secured
circle Use credit cards and secure payment services instead of debit cards
circle When transferring money, use reliable firms
circle Never transfer or receive money for someone else
circle Check sites' privacy and returns policy. Print a copy of your order and any acknowledgement you receipt