Committed to Perform

circle Always wear helmets.
circle Never stop abruptly in traffic. Move to the left and slow down.
circle Adhere to traffic signals, boards and signs.
circle While driving, always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax & P.U.C. certificate.
circle Do not ride at high speeds. Losing control, your life may be at stake.
circle Don’t use your cell phone while driving. If it is an urgent need, move to the left, halt and make the call.
circle Use the indicator or hand signals when changing lanes.
circle Don’t make children sit on fuel tanks or stand in front of you, the rider.
circle Do not ride or wheel your vehicle on the footpath.
circle Avoid parking on the road. Use pay-and-park islands.
circle While passing a stationery vehicle, allow sufficient clearance for the car doors which may open all of a sudden.
circle Comprehend the signals given by other road users and use the same while riding.
circle Avoid using brakes at turns. If needed, ensure both brakes are applied gently.
circle Do not try and weave your way through stationery or slow moving traffic. It may cause accidents.
circle Always ride with both hands on the handlebar except when signalling.
circle Slow down at zebra crossing and if it is required, do stop.